PRESIDENT - SVR Group of Institutions
Education is the basis of all progress. It is for this very reason that we forayed into education more than a two decades and a half year ago. This experience has taught us the progress is only possible if education is not restricted to imparting bookish knowledge but to inculcate humanitarian values like wisdom, compassion, courage, humility, integrity and reliability in a student.
At SVR, our staff is well equipped to keep the student up to date with latest tools and techniques to evolve into a successful human being. Student work in a vibrant progressive environment.
When you join us, you will study in a dynamic, global academic environment. Our institution and the city of Bangalore will offer state of the art facilities that will ensure an exciting and fulfilling learning experience
SECRETARY - SVR Group of Institutions
Life poses innumerable challenges and the goal of education is to help one to successfully brave through the rough seas of struggle, strife and hur- dles. The strength of character develops in this institution hold good for the rest of ones’s life. A student is made to blossom intellectually, aesthetically, morally and spiritually.
He/she is made not only professionally perfect but also morally sound to follow the path of truth and taste the nectar of success in life.